Saturday, August 30, 2008

JoJo knockouts?

JoJo one half of the band Kc and JoJo passed out during a show in Sydney, Australia. When I first saw the clip my mouth dropped I thought he might have caught a heart attack or something. Apparently, that wasn't the case. By the looks of this clip it seems like JoJo catches these knockout episodes frequently. You be the judge and just watch.

Friday, August 29, 2008

John McCain chooses running mate

Breaking News: McCain/Palin 2008 Republican Ticket

Governor Sarah Palin? Who in the world is that?
Yeah, I said the same thing. HAHA, McCain nice try buddy. I can see why he picked a women as his running mate. Possibly to try to win over the women following of Hillary Clinton. She is no Hillary Clinton at all, doesn't even come close! And on top of all that Palin is under investigation. Too bad that isn't going to help McCain! Nice Try!

I seriously do not want to hear any of the Republicans argue the lack of experience that Senator Barack Obama has. That argument is completely useless after his choice of Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate. It just shows the lack of judgement Senator McCain has in his choice of Vice President when he should have picked someone like Mitt Romney who had more of a name for himself in the Republican Party. Dude he didn't even pick the most qualified women Republican! If that was the case he should've chosen someone like Condoleezza Rice who is the United States Secretary of State! Palin, who was once Mayor and now Governor of Alaska, is no older than Barack Obama and has a resume that does not even come close to his. No National experience or anything. Just a few years ago Palin was a small town mayor of Wasilla, Alaska who just raised taxes on the lower and middle class. According to a poll conducted by The New York Times, Governor Sarah Palin was last on the list and received a 2% vote as a likely nominee for Vice Presidency.

So who would you pick? Obama/Biden or McCain/Palin? It's not a hard choice, change with Obama or more pain with John McCain?

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Democratic National Convention: Day 4

Highlights of the night:

Major Speakers:

  • Virginia Governor Tim Kaine
  • Former Vice President Al Gore
  • Democratic Vice Presidential Nominee Joe Biden
  • Illinois Senior Senator Dick Durbin
  • Democratic Presidential Nominee Barack Obama

Musical Performances:

  • Jennifer Hudson
  • Will.I.Am, John Legend feat. Agape Choir
  • Sheryl Crow
  • Stevie Wonder
  • Michael McDonald

My Final Thoughts: Day 4

Throughout the day 84,000 Americans flooded Mile High Stadium to watch history unfold in its last night. I caught Governor Tim Kaine delivering his support to Obama around mid/late afternoon. It sounded like he was preaching, it wasn't bad at all though. Next I got the chance to watch Al Gore hold it down with his support. Al Gore to me, is probably one of the smartest Politicians I know of. He tackled a lot of issues in America brought up by the Republican Party and then hit the switch to his "bread and butter" the enviorment. Later on Joe Biden came out to fire up the crowd, followed by Senator Dick Durbin to introduce Obama on his acceptance speech. Future President Barack Obama finally gets on stage and that's when the house explodes.

Just to think 8 years ago Barack Obama couldn't even get in the building to watch the Democratic National Convention. He stayed outside and watched the DNC unfold through a Jumbo-tron. Who would've ever thought 8 years later that man standing outside watching the DNC through a television would become the first African American Presidential Nominee. His story lite up the hearts of everyone in the stadium and the people watching on TV. He shared his story of struggle and being raised by a single mother who worked hard and went to school all at the same time. Obama connected with the crowd in such a strong way, you would have to be a complete idiot to not be moved by his story. His story connected with the crowd immediately from the beginning to end. In the middle of his story he incorporated what his plans are for the future of America and also delivered sharp criticism to the John McCain/George Bush policies. I thought his closing was superb, I like when he said....

"This country of ours has more wealth than any nation, but that’s not what makes us rich. We have the most powerful military on Earth, but that’s not what makes us strong. Our universities and our culture are the envy of the world, but that’s not what keeps the world coming to our shores. Instead, it is that American spirit — that American promise — that pushes us forward even when the path is uncertain; that binds us together in spite of our differences; that makes us fix our eye not on what is seen, but what is unseen, that better place around the bend."

Yo, when Obama dropped that jewel right there that's when I said "it's a wrap, this guy has got it in the bag." His speech from beginning to end just connected with everyone in a deep way. It's his message of change and hope that inspires us as a nation to come together and work for a common good. November will be something to remember. History in the making, the first African American President and a President who will establish real change.

My Thank You Speech

Okay so if you're reading this right now you are probably wondering "Why are you posting a thank you speech?" The answer is simple. I believe from time to time we should all reflect back and thank the people who contributed to our everyday success. It can be your success on being alive, graduating high school or college, getting into that career you've always wanted to be in or even just simply giving thanks to yourself for being YOU! I've learned over my 22 years of living that all of us have more in common then we do in differences. Regardless of what race, religion, background, lower middle or upper class, we all face similar issues and have the same emotions. With that said enjoy!

"I want to first and foremost thank my lord and savior Jesus Christ for allowing me to live, to learn more everyday, to give back to those who are less fortunate and for molding me into the man I'm today. I want to also thank my Mother for being a strong single women. At a young age my mother took a risk and moved out of the slums of Brooklyn, NY to move into a middle class area in Southern California so My sisters and I can have a better opportunity to success and life. She worked 2 jobs, took 3 buses at 5am to put a roof over my head, food in my stomach, clothes on my back and shoes on my feet. It's her drive in life that taught me to never give up and that with all things through Christ everything is possible. I want to Thank my father. Even though my father was never apart of my life I have learned a lot from him. I was well away of his mistakes and It taught me to never make those same mistakes he once did. My sisters who are very dear to me I love you and thank you. Lisa for being like a 2nd mother and being there for me regardless of my attitude problems and she loved me always when i needed it the most. My sister Melinda for her love, her loud and funny personality. She was always there to laugh at my funny jokes regardless how corny it was. My brother in law Kenny Goad, who is an assistant pastor and has a big compassionate heart towards people. His humility, his biblical knowledge and hardworking ethic makes me proud to call him a brother. Youth Pastor Mark Diggs for never giving up on me and being like a spiritual mentor. Even though Mark and I will debate politics from sun up to sun down he is one conservative that I love dearly. My friends from high school to today you guys stuck by me in my happy and worst times, Thank you. To the assistant principal at B.P.H.S. Mr. Robinson who demanded Officer Carter to "Arrest his a**!!" I still remember those words like yesterday. LOL! To Darnell Harris Jr. (Rest in Peace) Who believed in his big brother Dennis like no one had. I remember one night driving home he told me that my voice, my attitude was going to change the world. I thank all these people from the bottom of my heart for inspiring me and loving me. Thank You

Democratic National Convention: Day 3

Highlights of the night:

Last night was probably the most exciting night for me so far. I know tonight in Mile High Stadium Barack Obama is gonna hold in doooowwwwn in his acceptance speech.

Former President Bill Clinton delivered a really dope speech supporting Obama to the fullest. I was surprised I thought Bill was gonna pull a Hillary and just kind of shower himself and his wife, but he didn't. He believes Obama is the main to bring change to America and threw him a personal endorsement.

Senator Hillary Clinton stopped the role call and threw her support behind Barack Obama making him officially the Democratic Nominee.

Senator Joe Biden (Obama's running mate) Gave a sharp speech about his family, his support for Obama and throwing hard criticism towards John McCain. After it was all said and done our future president Barack Obama made a surprise appearance and closed day 3.

My Final Thoughts: Day 3

The best day so far besides Michelle Obama's speech. Bill Clinton did exactly what was needed to bring unity to the party. My favorite quote was when he said "Hillary told us in no uncertain terms that she'll do everything she can to elect Barack Obama. That makes two of us. Actually that makes 18 million of us because, like Hillary, I want all of you who supported her to vote for Barack Obama in November." Right there Bill put the cap on all the Republican pundits who are trying to win over all the Hillary supporters. Next up was Senator Joe Biden. I thought he did an amazing job out there tonight. I knew he was going to go out there and throw hard punches at McCain. I think Democrats need to balance more of that with there stories connecting with the people. Next week at the RNC, Republicans are going to do their best in trying to criticize Obama. They always run a shady campaign, it's nothing new. Tonight will be exciting! I will be back up later to share highlights and my final thoughts on the DNC.


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Democratic National Convention recap: Day 2

Highlights of the night:

Former Virginia Gov. Mark Warner urged the party to seize the opportunity in his keynote speech.

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton delivered a cool speech to unite the party. Bill was crying, Chelsea was smiling and the crowd applauded Hillary for about 5 minutes. Many people feel like Hillary made it clear to her 18 million supporters that this election is no longer about her and to give their support to Obama. We'll see how this plays out in november. I can't wait for Obama's acceptance speech on Thursday. Stay posted.

My Final Thought: Day 2

To be straight up I didn't really care for Mark Warners speech, I dozed off here and there. Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews crack me up! I would love to see those 2 crush Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'reilly in a debate! Anyway back to the DNC, It was alright I mean I think Hillary did whatever. I wasn't too impressed with her, praising herself but I understand it's all for political purposes. Who knows maybe she's thinking about running again in 2012? Overall the majority of Americans happens to think she did a good job to show her support for Obama. On the other hand, Do I think so? No! Why? I feel like Hillary Clinton touched lightly on her support for Obama. She needed to really go out there and do a better job of showing more support, especially with her hardcore supporters who will not vote for Obama. I mean last year not many people expected Obama to win the democratic nomination. Many people thought it was in the bag for Hillary. Bottom line, we can't afford to get sidetracked with this discussion of the Clintons vs. Obama. We can't have another Republican in the white house. If McCain wins the election you can count on having the same o' George Bush policies. We'll still be in war, gas prices will continue to rise, there won't be affordable healthcare and the focus on establishing alternative energy solution won't exist. Day 3 tomorrow, hopefully I can catch the whole thing beginning to end.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Democratic National Convention recap: Day 1

Highlights of the night:

Speaker of The United States House of Rep. Nancy Pelosi opened up the night with a speech.

Senator Edward "Ted" Kennedy Held it down! I was very surprised to see him addressing the convention for the simple fact he's battling an illness. Then again, Ted's a warrior and nothing's going to hold him back from showing his support for our future president.

The Keynote speech was delivered by Barack' wife Michelle Obama. Her speech was very genuine and moving. She spoke about the issues she dealt with growing up in the south side of chicago, being raised in a 1 bedroom apartment and later graduating from Harvard. She also spoke on what a great leader her husband would be and shared the dreams and aspirations her and her husband have for the future of this country.

My Final Thought: Day 1

With all the distractions surrounding the Democratic party I feel like they did a great job on their opening night. So many talks about the unity of the party, the Republicans trying to have a field day on what they thought about Obama's Vice President choice and all the hecklers who stood outside trying to protest really didn't do much to hurt the outcome. Bottom line, Michelle Obama's speech tonight was excellent! She showed a genuine side of her and her family that we can all relate to. Her story of being raised in a 1 bedroom apartment and later graduating Harvard is an inspirational story to all people. Especially all of us young people who are less fortunate and deal with the reality of having to work a job and go to school just to get by. Barack and Michelle both are concern with the condition of our political policies and both have made contributions in the past to fix them. It shows a lot about their character when they both graduate from prestigious schools and ditch a job working at a corporate law firm to work in the inner city to establish more jobs and voter registrations. These are the reasons why I want Barack to become president. I've always told myself that I would like to see a president who came from a struggle I've been through. Im tired of having these rich, spoon fed politicians who are shallowed minded and think that people in the lower-middle class are all lazy and no good. We need someone who shared similar struggles like us and know how to establish fundamental change so people like you and I can have a better shot at the american dream.