Friday, August 29, 2008

John McCain chooses running mate

Breaking News: McCain/Palin 2008 Republican Ticket

Governor Sarah Palin? Who in the world is that?
Yeah, I said the same thing. HAHA, McCain nice try buddy. I can see why he picked a women as his running mate. Possibly to try to win over the women following of Hillary Clinton. She is no Hillary Clinton at all, doesn't even come close! And on top of all that Palin is under investigation. Too bad that isn't going to help McCain! Nice Try!

I seriously do not want to hear any of the Republicans argue the lack of experience that Senator Barack Obama has. That argument is completely useless after his choice of Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate. It just shows the lack of judgement Senator McCain has in his choice of Vice President when he should have picked someone like Mitt Romney who had more of a name for himself in the Republican Party. Dude he didn't even pick the most qualified women Republican! If that was the case he should've chosen someone like Condoleezza Rice who is the United States Secretary of State! Palin, who was once Mayor and now Governor of Alaska, is no older than Barack Obama and has a resume that does not even come close to his. No National experience or anything. Just a few years ago Palin was a small town mayor of Wasilla, Alaska who just raised taxes on the lower and middle class. According to a poll conducted by The New York Times, Governor Sarah Palin was last on the list and received a 2% vote as a likely nominee for Vice Presidency.

So who would you pick? Obama/Biden or McCain/Palin? It's not a hard choice, change with Obama or more pain with John McCain?

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