Thursday, August 28, 2008

My Thank You Speech

Okay so if you're reading this right now you are probably wondering "Why are you posting a thank you speech?" The answer is simple. I believe from time to time we should all reflect back and thank the people who contributed to our everyday success. It can be your success on being alive, graduating high school or college, getting into that career you've always wanted to be in or even just simply giving thanks to yourself for being YOU! I've learned over my 22 years of living that all of us have more in common then we do in differences. Regardless of what race, religion, background, lower middle or upper class, we all face similar issues and have the same emotions. With that said enjoy!

"I want to first and foremost thank my lord and savior Jesus Christ for allowing me to live, to learn more everyday, to give back to those who are less fortunate and for molding me into the man I'm today. I want to also thank my Mother for being a strong single women. At a young age my mother took a risk and moved out of the slums of Brooklyn, NY to move into a middle class area in Southern California so My sisters and I can have a better opportunity to success and life. She worked 2 jobs, took 3 buses at 5am to put a roof over my head, food in my stomach, clothes on my back and shoes on my feet. It's her drive in life that taught me to never give up and that with all things through Christ everything is possible. I want to Thank my father. Even though my father was never apart of my life I have learned a lot from him. I was well away of his mistakes and It taught me to never make those same mistakes he once did. My sisters who are very dear to me I love you and thank you. Lisa for being like a 2nd mother and being there for me regardless of my attitude problems and she loved me always when i needed it the most. My sister Melinda for her love, her loud and funny personality. She was always there to laugh at my funny jokes regardless how corny it was. My brother in law Kenny Goad, who is an assistant pastor and has a big compassionate heart towards people. His humility, his biblical knowledge and hardworking ethic makes me proud to call him a brother. Youth Pastor Mark Diggs for never giving up on me and being like a spiritual mentor. Even though Mark and I will debate politics from sun up to sun down he is one conservative that I love dearly. My friends from high school to today you guys stuck by me in my happy and worst times, Thank you. To the assistant principal at B.P.H.S. Mr. Robinson who demanded Officer Carter to "Arrest his a**!!" I still remember those words like yesterday. LOL! To Darnell Harris Jr. (Rest in Peace) Who believed in his big brother Dennis like no one had. I remember one night driving home he told me that my voice, my attitude was going to change the world. I thank all these people from the bottom of my heart for inspiring me and loving me. Thank You

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