Thursday, August 28, 2008

Democratic National Convention: Day 3

Highlights of the night:

Last night was probably the most exciting night for me so far. I know tonight in Mile High Stadium Barack Obama is gonna hold in doooowwwwn in his acceptance speech.

Former President Bill Clinton delivered a really dope speech supporting Obama to the fullest. I was surprised I thought Bill was gonna pull a Hillary and just kind of shower himself and his wife, but he didn't. He believes Obama is the main to bring change to America and threw him a personal endorsement.

Senator Hillary Clinton stopped the role call and threw her support behind Barack Obama making him officially the Democratic Nominee.

Senator Joe Biden (Obama's running mate) Gave a sharp speech about his family, his support for Obama and throwing hard criticism towards John McCain. After it was all said and done our future president Barack Obama made a surprise appearance and closed day 3.

My Final Thoughts: Day 3

The best day so far besides Michelle Obama's speech. Bill Clinton did exactly what was needed to bring unity to the party. My favorite quote was when he said "Hillary told us in no uncertain terms that she'll do everything she can to elect Barack Obama. That makes two of us. Actually that makes 18 million of us because, like Hillary, I want all of you who supported her to vote for Barack Obama in November." Right there Bill put the cap on all the Republican pundits who are trying to win over all the Hillary supporters. Next up was Senator Joe Biden. I thought he did an amazing job out there tonight. I knew he was going to go out there and throw hard punches at McCain. I think Democrats need to balance more of that with there stories connecting with the people. Next week at the RNC, Republicans are going to do their best in trying to criticize Obama. They always run a shady campaign, it's nothing new. Tonight will be exciting! I will be back up later to share highlights and my final thoughts on the DNC.


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