Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Democratic National Convention recap: Day 2

Highlights of the night:

Former Virginia Gov. Mark Warner urged the party to seize the opportunity in his keynote speech.

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton delivered a cool speech to unite the party. Bill was crying, Chelsea was smiling and the crowd applauded Hillary for about 5 minutes. Many people feel like Hillary made it clear to her 18 million supporters that this election is no longer about her and to give their support to Obama. We'll see how this plays out in november. I can't wait for Obama's acceptance speech on Thursday. Stay posted.

My Final Thought: Day 2

To be straight up I didn't really care for Mark Warners speech, I dozed off here and there. Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews crack me up! I would love to see those 2 crush Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'reilly in a debate! Anyway back to the DNC, It was alright I mean I think Hillary did whatever. I wasn't too impressed with her, praising herself but I understand it's all for political purposes. Who knows maybe she's thinking about running again in 2012? Overall the majority of Americans happens to think she did a good job to show her support for Obama. On the other hand, Do I think so? No! Why? I feel like Hillary Clinton touched lightly on her support for Obama. She needed to really go out there and do a better job of showing more support, especially with her hardcore supporters who will not vote for Obama. I mean last year not many people expected Obama to win the democratic nomination. Many people thought it was in the bag for Hillary. Bottom line, we can't afford to get sidetracked with this discussion of the Clintons vs. Obama. We can't have another Republican in the white house. If McCain wins the election you can count on having the same o' George Bush policies. We'll still be in war, gas prices will continue to rise, there won't be affordable healthcare and the focus on establishing alternative energy solution won't exist. Day 3 tomorrow, hopefully I can catch the whole thing beginning to end.

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